Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Gifts of the Spirit

1 Corinthians 12:1 ASV
(1) Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians regarding the importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He tells them not to ignorant about them. Being ignorant means that we do not have knowledge about them or we are not aware of their functions in our lives.

The gifts are categorized in 3 categories :

1. The Spoken Gifts
2. The Revelation Gifts
3. The Power Gifts

All the Gifts of the Spirit are available to the believer and it is important that we know something about them and the operation in the church. These gifts bring revival and spiritual awakening to the believer. any time any of this gifts are functioning in its full capacity, we will find the church growing and edified.
This exhortation from Paul the apostle is as relevant to the church life today as at the time that this episte was written. Let us spend something in these devotions to study and meditate on this subject whihc is much neglected in the body of Christ.

Reading : Acts 2; John 7:37-38

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