Saturday, November 17, 2007

Greater Works

The Weapons of War

John 14:12
He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these he shall do; because I go unto my Father.

The ministry Jesus did on this earth was directed, guided and energized by the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that you and I have. Jesus functioned as man on the earth and not as God. He was anointed by the Holy Spirit with power to performed the superhuman miracles and healing. His ministry on earth ad every miracle done was simply done through one or more of the gifts operating

And now He promises that the believer will do the same works and greater works because He is seated at the right hand of the Father right now. Every child of God has a right to every one of the Gifts of The Holy Spirit. The gifts are for everyone in the Body of Christ.

These gifts become weapons in the hands of the believer who will learn how to use it and function in it. Now it is time for each of us rise up and take the full armor of God and march on to destroy all the works of the enemy.

You and I should see victories and battles won every day of our lives, and never know defeat. Let us reach out any get a hold the gifts and touch this dying world. This can never be done with organizational strength or by economic or political strength or even with great numbers. God can win the battle with just a few people just like He used Gideon and his faithful 300 to destroy hosts of the enemy

Reading : Judges 7,8